My Projects

Founder of

A Comprehensive Solution for the Visually Impaired

TechNetra is an innovative technological solution for the use of the visually impaired, which provides an all-in-one approach to converting documents and books from physical media to audio.

Unique Design: Accessible for Everyone

TechNetra’s design has been recognized as unique by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks of the Government of India, which has granted it the Industrial Design Registration 407695-001.

This device has been designed such that it can be operated completely autonomously by visually impaired individuals, through the usage of tactile raised edge guides, braille markings on the control panel, audio feedback, and much more.

Self-Led Research and Development

I built the first TechNetra prototype as a research project, working alongside Dr. Priyam Parikh, Assistant Professor at Nirma University, and Dr. Parth Shah, Assistant Professor and Makerspace Manager at Anant University. Under their guidance, I used the principles of design thinking, alongside my knowledge of Raspberry Pi, Python-based image processing and AI-powered speech synthesis, to develop the prototype, its design, and its algorithm. I was the first author of a research paper entitled “Raspberry-Pi Based Physical Media to Audio Conversion Device for Visually Impaired Individuals”, which was published in the International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET). The paper detailed the principles and construction of the device, and contained an analysis of its accuracy and algorithm.

Aiden Jackson - The Rise of the Golden One

At the age of 13, I wrote and self-published my very own 200-page fantasy fiction novel!

The novel follows the adventures of Aiden Jackson, a wannabe Golden Forces member, who finds himself in the centre of a much bigger circle of events than he could have ever imagined. It’s a compelling tale, filled with action, drama, and adventure.

Educational Content Creator
500K+ impressions, 1.4K+ subscribers and 35K+ video views.

Creating free educational guide content for students studying the IGCSE/A Level system. Publishing long-form videos on efficient study practices, individual subject study guides, and more.